Wunder Methylene Blue 50ML
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Methylene Blue is effective against superficial fungal infections of fishes. The drug may be used as an alternative to Malachite Green for the control of fungus when it is known that the fish to be treated are sensitive
Wunder Methylene Blue 50ML
Wunder Methylene Blue 50ML is effective against superficial fungal infections of fishes. The drug may be used as an alternative to Malachite Green for the control of fungus when it is known that the fish to be treated are sensitive
Methylene Blue is safe for use with fish eggs and fry for the prevention of fungal infections. As a secondary use, it is effective against some external protozoans, such as Ichthyophthirius (Ich), Chilodonella and Costia.
The properties of the drug as an oxygen transporter (it converts methemoglobin to the normal oxygen carrying component of fish blood, hemoglobin) allow it to be used in the treatment of known cyanide and nitrite poisoning of aquarium fishes. It has been suggested that newly arrived marine fish placed in Methylene Blue can have their survival rate increased as Methylene Blue aids in the reversal of nitrite and/or cyanide poisoning.
The following brief summary of clinical signs often associated with the parasitic protozoans discussed above is intended only as an aid for the beginning aquarist. It is not to be thought of as a definitive diagnostic key. It is also important that the aquarist consult appropriate, accurate references for more specific information regarding disease problems of fishes. In addition, if possible, skin and/or gill smears should be made and examined by a qualified fish diagnostician. Microscopic examination is recommended and is always essential for confirmation of a particular disease. In the clinical signs indicated below, a particular description may be followed by a specific disease causing organism in brackets. This indicates that there is a high probability that the cause of the disease you may observe on the fish is the organism indicated in the brackets. It should be qualified that different clinical signs can be seen during the disease process and that these can occur as the result of more than one disease causing organism.
Clinical Signs
Increased respiration; loss of normal body color; presence of discrete white spots (freshwater or marine Ich); scratching on tank bottom or on objects; lethargic behavior; white tufts or strands on body [Fungus]; dustlike “peppered” spots on body surface, having a yellowish cast [Oodinium].
Methylene Blue is not indicated for the treatment of Oodinium, bacterial infections, flukes (monogenetic trematodes) or for moderately-severe to severe fungal infections. It is not indicated for use as a net disinfectant or sterilizer.
The use of Methylene Blue is primarily for the control of fungus on eggs, and to assist the transport of oxygen in fish poisoned by cyanide and nitrite ion. Secondary uses are for the control of some external protozoan parasites of fishes. Methylene Blue is an alternative for treatment with other medications when prevailing factors preclude the use of another medication