Polyp Lab Medic

Polyp Lab Medic


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  • Completely reef-safe
  • Buffered to maintain physiological pH
  • Does not harm invertebrates
  • Does not harm nitrifying bacteria

Polyp Lab Medic is a highly effective water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments. It contains a reef-safe oxidizing agent and is particularly effective against: Marine Ich – Crytpocaryon irritans, Freshwater Ich – Ichthyophthirius, and Marine Velvet – Amyloodinium ocellatum.


  • Completely reef-safe
  • Buffered to maintain physiological pH
  • Does not harm invertebrates
  • Does not harm nitrifying bacteria


Completely reef-safe, Bufferded to maintain physiological pH. Does not harm invertebrates and does not harm nitrifying bacteria. Many external fish parasites have very similar life cycles. In particular, these parasites have an “attached stage (trophonts), a “matured” stage (protomonts, a “reproductive” stage (tomonts), and a “free-swimming” stage (theronts/dinospores).

Most available treatments do not target the free-swimming stage of the parasite which is one of the primarily difficulties in dealing with these problems. Research with dilated protozoans has shown that the “free-swimming” stage of parasites have remarkably consistent hatching times. We have engineered our product to be most efficient during this stage. Our conditioner targets the trophont stage of the parasite but is also disrupting the life cycle during the “free-swimming timeframe – when the oxidative component in the conditioner is particularly effective against theronts/dinospores. 


For in tank treatment: Use one level scoop of Medic for every 190L (50 Gallons) of your system volume twice per day For serious problems use (3)  level scoop for every 190L (50 Gallons) of your system volume. Dose once in the morning, and once in the evening. Continue to dose for 10 days up to a maximum of 20 days.

Note: Ozone and carbon must not be used during the treatment. Protein skimmers can be run as as normal. UV filter can be used one hour after dosing. The problem may seem to disappear when white specks are no longer visible on the fish. This is merely part of the natural cycle of the parasite and you must continue dosing the product for the minimum entire course (10 days) to be maximally effective. After treatment is complete, run granular activated carbon for 2 or 3 days.

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