Dyofix Black Pond – Garden Pond Dye 300ml

Dyofix Black Pond – Garden Pond Dye 300ml


Availability: 20 in stock at Online Warehouse.

Treats 100,000L of Pond Water
SGP Black  100 is a natural look dye that controls algae and submerged aquatic weeds
300ml bottle will treat 100,000L of pond water

SGP Black natural look pond dye has proved very popular with gardeners that wish to treat their pond water with an eco-friendly algae control product, without a tint of colour.

Both the liquid and soluble powder sachets of natural look pond dye will disperse freely in your pond, controlling the amount of sunlight penetrating your pond water to inhibit the resources available to algae and submerged aquatic weeds.

Manual algae prevention can be time consuming which is not always practical for weekend gardeners. Our natural look pond dye is easy to apply, creating a natural looking ‘twilight effect’ that regulates your pond’s ecosystem to the benefit of pond life, fish and plants.

Dyofix Black Pond Dye modifies the water column so red spectrum wavelengths are partly blocked. This interrupts the photosynthesis process thereby restricting submerged algae and weeds from growing.

Size: 300ml

Dose: 1ml per 300 Litres – for a darker colour maximum dosage is 1ml per 30L

300ml treats up to 100,000 Litres

How do I calculate the volume of water in my pond?

Multiply (in metres) the average length x width x depth x 1000 = volume in litres

Non-Toxic to fish, wildlife & aquatic plants. Dyofix Shadow Pond Dye modifies the water column so red spectrum wavelengths are partly blocked. This interrupts the photosynthesis process thereby restricting submerged algae and weeds from growing. Algae and weeds require sunlight to grow. Also great for reflection ponds and hiding pipework.

Aesthetically enhance the water in your pond, while inhibiting algae and weed growth.

Application: Always wear rubber gloves when handling. Half fill a bucket with water from the pond, add the calculated amount, stir contents, pour into different parts of the pond.

Maintenance top ups: A general starting guide is 10% of the original dose each month