Aqua One CeramiSub Ceramic Substrate

Aqua One CeramiSub Ceramic Substrate


* CeramiSub is ideal to use in any type of filter and is an ideal media for biological filtration.
* Suitable for freshwater and saltwater use.
* An ideal home for aerobic/anaerobic filtration bacteria
* Massive surface area for growing bacteria
* Cleaner healthier tank, more wast products being broken down

* CeramiSub is ideal to use in any type of filter and is an ideal media for biological filtration.
* Suitable for freshwater and saltwater use.
*  An ideal home for aerobic/anaerobic filtration bacteria
* Massive surface area for growing bacteria
* Cleaner healthier tank, more wast products being broken down

Highly porous it provides the ideal environment for beneficial bacteria to colonize and thrive.

CeramiSub acts both mechanically removing solid particles and biologically to convert Ammonia to nitrite to nitrate.

This is important in all aquariums as Ammonia and nitrite can prove lethal to your livestock.